Here you will find much of what your church will need to prepare for the small church consultation process. You have set a date and completed the Consultation Agreement sent to you by your consultant. Now it is time to begin the work. Your access to this page allows you to download the schedules and other information that you will need, as well as, to complete online assessments that our consultants will use in prayerful preparation for your consultation weekend.
Welcome to the Small Church Consultation
This checklist is designed to help ensure the best possible experience for your church. Please download it and use it as a guide and tool, as we prepare, for the coming consultation weekend. Download it today.
Consultation Schedule
This schedule maps out the coming consultation weekend. This schedule will give our team and your church's team. what we believe is, the best balance of information discovery, assessment, and effective ministry during the coming weekend. Please download it and use it to communicate and plan with your team. Download it today. Consultation Schedule
Life Cycle Audit
All organizations, even churches, have a life cycle, and, there are different characteristics that identify each of the stages in that life cycle from birth to dying. Along the way, there are advantages and disadvantages. Understanding where your church is, can be important in deciding what to do next. You will be provided with a report on where your church is by our team. Please complete this assessment.
Portrait of Your Church
Portraits are simply snapshots in time. They do not necessarily indicate where we have been or where we are going. But, they give us look at what everyone else sees in this moment. This tool will help our team arrive with an understanding of how people see your church today. Please complete this assessment.
Critical Trends
Trends combine our recent past and current situation, often giving us an excellent indication of what direction we are headed. When we understand where we are headed now, we can determine what course corrections, if any, need to be made. This tool will help you and our team arrive with an understanding of what we consider to be critical trends in your church. Please complete this assessment.