Sermon Resources

Sermons & More for Advancement Team Members and Partners in this Work

We are providing resources for those who are working and participating in revitalization or interim ministry. We believe these ministry times in a church should have great Kingdom impact and position them for their next great season and potential.

  • True North

    This sermon series is defined to be used early in the early stages of the revitalization or interim process to provide vision and direction for ministry and the church during the new season. It is a 5-week series designed to focus the church on the mission of Christ.

    Week 1, Staying on Course -             Narrative                 Week 1 - Power Point

    Week 2, Connecting to God -            Narrative                 Week 2 - Power Point

    Week 3, Connecting to Each Other - Narrative                 Week 3 - Power Point

    Week 4, Being Disciples -                 Narrative                 Week 4 - Power Point

    Week 5, Go-                                     Narrative                 Week 5 - Power Point

  • Forward

    This 3-week sermon series is designed for the final weeks before the new pastors first Sunday.


    Week 1 - Narrative                   Week 1 - Power Point

    Week 2 - Narrative                   Week 2 - Power Point

    Week 3 - Narrative                   Week 3 - Power Point

    Sermon Bumper

  • Times are Changing

    The first sermon of an interim season can be critical. This sermon is designed to be that first sermon and allow for grief over the last pastor while setting up the both the interim season and future with a new pastor.

    Times are Changing - Narrative         Power Point